Jakarta Sewerage Development Project
Jakarta Sewerage System
Investment Value: IDR 69.600
Funding Scheme: KPBU
Location: DKI Jakarta
Project Responsible
Party: DKI Jakarta Provincial Government
Commencement Plan: –
Operation Commencement
Plan: 2026
Project Status:
Project Description
The Jakarta Sewerage
System project will handle domestic waste processing in 15 zones (including
zones that are already operating), with initial development plans in Zones 1
and 6. Both zones are expected to be operational in 2022, where Zone 1 will serve
the central and northern areas and Zone 6 will serve the western area. The
total project cost in Zone 1 is ± 8.1 Trillion while the development of Zone 6
will require a cost of ± 5 Trillion.
Zone 1 is the construction of a centralized waste processing system consisting of: 1) Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL); 2) Piping system; 3) House connections, with a coverage area of 4,901 Ha. IPAL Zone 1 will be built in Pluit with an average capacity of 198,000 m3 per day. At this time, the project acceleration is focused on Zone 1.
Project Significance
As the nation's capital, DKI Jakarta has developed as a center of government, business, and industry. Because this development is not accompanied by improvements in the waste disposal system to handle the waste produced, the condition of water and sanitation in Jakarta is getting worse. Currently, the coverage ratio in DKI Jakarta only covers 4% of the total area with a BOD pollution level of 84 mg/l. With these conditions, DKI Jakarta is in the second lowest position in terms of sanitation among capital cities in Southeast Asia. In addition, JSS is also needed to support the effectiveness of the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) which has also begun construction.
NCICD requires acceleration of wastewater treatment project development so that this project gets special priority from the central government with the issuance of letter No: S-130/D.VI.M.EKON/09/2013 concerning Acceleration
Development of Centralized Wastewater Treatment System in DKI Jakarta, with a target of achieving 75% coverage of wastewater service areas in 2022.
The development of Zone 1 and Zone 6 will increase the coverage of wastewater service areas in DKI Jakarta by 20%. It is expected that the start of project preparation for Zone 1 can have a spillover effect on the development of other zones. Ultimately, the development of all JSS projects can exceed the target coverage of waste services in DKI Jakarta.
Project Development Status: Transaction Stage
Source: https://kppip.go.id/proyek-prioritas/air-dan-sanitasi/pengolahan-air-limbah-jakarta/