Project Name: Karian Dam
Total Investment: IDR
1.264 Trillion
State Budget-Regional
Budget Source: IDR 1.264 Trillion
Private Source: –
Undetermined Source: –
Funding Scheme: State
Location: Lebak, Banten
Project Responsible:
Ministry of PUPR
Planned Construction
Start: 2015
Planned Operation Start:
Latest Status:
Construction 83%
Project Description
Karian Dam is a dam
located in Banten province, in Lebak district/city. This dam is planned to have
a capacity of 314.7M³, expected to irrigate 21,454 Ha of land, provide a raw
water supply of 9.10 M³/second, and generate electricity of 0.65 MW.
Karian Dam is one of 65
dams built by the PUPR Ministry in the 2015-2019 period to realize Nawacita,
especially to realize food sovereignty and water security.
"The dam located in Lebak Regency is targeted to be completed in 2019 and the result of cooperation with the South Korean government has begun construction since the end of 2015 and currently the construction progress has reached 39.04 percent. I also remind you of the many benefits obtained from the Karian Dam such as to supply water needs for urban and industrial areas in Tangerang City, South Tangerang City, Lebak Regency, Bogor Regency and part of West Jakarta by 9.1 m3/second, so cooperation from all parties is expected to be better and ask for assistance from the local government for land acquisition so that it can be completed faster," explained the PUPR Minister, Basuki Hadimoeljono, at the Ciberang River Flow Diversion event for the Karian Dam Construction, August 30, 2017, in Banten. Also attending were the Director General of SDA Imam Santoso, Lebak Regent Iti Octavia Jayabaya, Head of the Public Communication Center of the PUPR Ministry Endra, Head of the Dam Center I Made Sumiarsih, Head of the Groundwater and Raw Water Center Amir Hamzah, Banten Governor Wahidin Chalid and Member of Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives Nursyirwan Sudjono. The Karian Dam was built by Daelim Industrial Co, LTD-PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero)-PT. Waskita Karya (Persero).
The PUPR Minister said that in addition to the Karian Dam, there are also several other SDA infrastructures in Banten, such as the Sindang Heula Dam, although with a small capacity, and the rehabilitation of the Ciujung Pamarayan irrigation area. "This is due to the great attention of President Joko Widodo to Banten so that the economy in this province can increase. For that, I ask for good coordination and cooperation between the central government, regional government and district government so that all work can be carried out immediately, especially diverting the diversion tunnel to the bypass so that the dam body can be worked on quickly," continued Basuki.
On the same occasion, the Governor of Banten stated that the construction of the Karian Dam is a source of pride for the people of Banten. "We fully support it. And work together well. I also ask for assistance from the central government for infrastructure development for the progress of Banten," said Wahidin.
The dam worth Rp. 1.07 trillion will be able to accommodate 207.5 million cubic meters of water that can irrigate 21,545 hectares of irrigation land. Other benefits are flood control facilities in downstream areas which are strategic areas with important infrastructure such as the Jakarta-Merak toll road and industrial areas, as well as the potential for electrical energy of 1.8 megawatts through mini hydro power plants (PLTMH).
Project Information:
- https://sda.pu.go.id/post/detail/bendungan_karian_kebanggaan_masyarakat_banten
- https://ekon.go.id/publikasi/detail/1995/bendungan-karian-proyek-strategis-banyak-manfaat